Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Instead of forwarding this email, I'm posting it here:
How's this for a thought...



All I ask is that you consider the suggestion here.

The entire Congress of the United States is corrupt.
And I mean both Houses and I mean both major parties.

I realize that a few Members of each House are trustworthy, but, as
a group they are absolutely the most corrupt bunch to ever disgrace our Nation.

In November of 2010 the entire House of Representatives will stand for re-election;
all 435 of them. One third of the Senate, a total of 33 of them, will also stand for re-election.

Vote every incumbent out.

And I mean every one of them. No matter their Party affiliation.
Let's start all over in the House of Representatives with 435 people who have
absolutely no experience in running that body, with no political favors owed
to anyone but their own constituents.

Let's make them understand that they work for us.
They are answerable to us and they simply have to run that body
with some common sense.

Two years later, in 2012, vote the next third of the incumbents in the Senate out.

We can do the same thing in 2014 and, by that time we will have put all
new people in that body as well.

We, the People, have got to take this Country back and we HAVE to do it peacefully.

That's what the Framers of our Constitution envisioned.

I am also suggesting term limits on the NEW BUNCH --




The Longer They Stay in Office the More
Power They Get and They Love it and Will
Do Anything to Get Re-elected.

We Have Term Limited the President -- Now Let's Term Limit the Legislators.

Please, if you love this Country, send this (as I have done) to
absolutely everyone whose email address appears in your address book.

This thing can permeate this Country in no time. Let's make it happen.**




Thank you for your time!!!!!

Not a bad thought, imo...

Friday, October 30, 2009

Just in Time for Halloween, Here's Something Truly Scary

Check out this story on MSNBC about "geoengineering" our planet to be cooler.

Read this in light of the fact that the planet has already been cooling for the last 11 years. Apparently the sun has been on its downcycle and is having a bit of a quiet spell. We hear rumors of global cooling and scientists ruined for daring to question the official story as told by Al Gore. I don't know what the truth is or how convenient it may or may not be, but something about Gore hopping on board this global warming crusade just never sat right with me. The environmental movement hasn't been the same since.

WTF do these "geoengineers" think they're doing? They're willing to trade our blue skies for - what exactly? A method of further polluting our air, causing droughts and ocean acidification? Talk about man-made climate change.

Even ignoring the global, potentially devastating effects on the environment - can you imagine the psychological effect on mankind to live under perpetual smog? One can only picture a global epidemic of Seasonal Affective Disorder.

Are they insane?

Notice that this is being presented "as a 'Plan B' in case emissions don't fall". In case they don't fall? Fall how low, and by when? Not only does this sound distinctly like a threat, it also subtley shifts the blame for such a drastic plan onto us consumers and our pesky emissions. It reinforces our instilled sense of guilt for our "carbon footprint" - created by a lifestyle virtually forced upon us if we wish to take any part in modern society - which only makes us all the more willing to agree to things such as carbon taxation.

Beware the noble facade of carbon taxes and reparations . Carbon pollution may be a problem worth fighting, but I'm afraid the motivations behind these initiatives are about as noble as waging endless war in the name of freedom and democracy.

This Associated Press analysis rejects global cooling theories, but makes an interesting connection. Regarding the global cooling theory:

Ben Santer, a climate scientist at the Department of Energy's Lawrence Livermore National Lab, called it "a concerted strategy to obfuscate and generate confusion in the minds of the public and policy-makers" ahead of international climate talks in December in Copenhagen.

Now I don't know who he thinks "concerted" this idea, but his paranoia is understandable because these upcoming Copenhagen talks are definitely important. Up for discussion is a proposed mandate that polluting nations compensate their cleaner neighbors for ruining the planet. The stated ambition here is, and I quote: "The COP15 conference in Copenhagen will result in an ambitious global agreement including all the countries of the world."

A global agreement? Regulated and enforced by whom? Can a nation decline signing the agreement without penalty? What might this mean to nation sovereignty?

And why aren't the people being informed and involved? A global agreement, by its very nature, should be agreed upon by everyone. After all, We the People are the ones who will ultimately bear the cost - you can bet it won't be the multi-nationals.

Could you imagine anyone being allowed to implement the kind of insanity that is the so-called 'Plan B' unless there were some kind of Global Climate Commission to make that call?

I wish it were all about the good of the environment, but a quiet alarm is sounding in my head. The sad reality is that money and power still shape policy, and such policy rarely considers the interests of the people.

We know this. We know our leaders and officials are corrupt, yet we let our disillusionment become apathy. We continue to allow them the power to change the world.

Until corruption and greed is rooted out of the human spirit, no small group of people should ever be trusted enough to decide the fate of the world.

Happy Halloween Eve.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Not That Kind of 9/11 Post

A link on MSN brought me to a link on Shaving Kens (and did you know that you, too, can Shave the (Orangutan) Baby? WTF?) which led me somewhere about dolls and a story of police smashing a car window to save a Reborn doll. Which led into reading about the Uncanny Valley hypothesis, which says that when objects or representations look too human, it triggers revulsion instead of empathy.

This is how I got to reading about Capgras Delusion, a belief that a familiar person or object has been replaced by an identical duplicate. I found it startling because I've had brief moments of this sensation - though nothing strong enough to render "belief" - and had no idea that it has a name.

Turns out Capgras Syndrome is one of many Delusional Misidentification Syndromes. Anyone high enough can have a moment of feeling any number of them, so I imagine they don't become "syndromes" unless the experience is chronic (no pun intended) or violent. The most common of these is probably deja vu, though our stoner friends may be best acquainted with its opposite - Jamais vu, a sense of being completely unfamiliar with something you know well.

The common thread among these is "inappropriate familiarity", and it seems any normal person, particularly in an altered state, is susceptible. After all, who has never met a stranger who feels like an old friend or experienced déjà vu? Many disorders and syndromes are simply extreme manifestations of natural brain function, and exist to some degree in all of us.

A common explanation for "inappropriate familiarity" type of phenomena is that they are an anomaly of memory, like a file showing an incorrect creation date. Perhaps they are, perhaps it's just "glitches in the Matrix", or maybe it's indicative of something else we don't know yet. I like to think that we're all connected, in a more significant way than just the obvious chain-reaction of physical events.

We think of ourselves as individuals, separate and autonomous simply because we're mobile and self-contained. What if the individuality is illusion and we are literally one creature with independent parts - one soul with many aspects and functions which must be expressed through the development of every possible personality? Whether for good, evil, or something in between, we are merely individual cells in this creature called Humanity and we all serve our purpose.

Is this too out-there an idea for most people? I think so. It treads all over our sacred individualism and demands a complete paradigm shift. In redefining the very premise of spirituality, of the salvation of the Soul, we could become a new creature - be "born again" - and we might find that all religion throughout the ages has been saying the same thing.

Funny the places Shaving Kens can lead you...

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Horoscopes today, courtesy of MSN

Today's Scorpio Horoscope:
Jul 22, 2009
Lately, you've been nursing a feeling that your partner is being inattentive. The tension has been building up and today, dear Scorpio, you are likely to boil over with the rage that comes from one too many doubts and suspicions. The forecast for love is stormy, without a doubt. But making up after the quarrel promises to be lots of fun...

Today's Pisces Horoscope:
Jul 22, 2009
Take cover, dear Pisces, because today promises to be an emotional roller coaster! Something seems to be askew with your relationships, and you feel pulled in opposite directions. One force is pushing you to enrich your inner universe and another force is pushing you into the arms of someone that you have recently met. Stay busy to avoid confrontation...

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Scientists Closer To Making Invisibility Cloak A Reality

ScienceDaily (2009-03-12) -- J.K. Rowling may not have realized just how close Harry Potter's invisibility cloak was to becoming a reality when she introduced it in the first book of her best-selling fictional series in 1998. Scientists, however, have made huge strides in the past few years in the rapidly developing field of cloaking. Cloaking involves making an object invisible or undetectable to electromagnetic waves. ... > read full article
